quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010


Rodrigues/Rodríguez  Family

The study of the Genealogy is very remote, since the biblical times and, over the years that followed by, this study was gaining more supporters and developing-until the present days with the creation of centers of History of the Family, spread over several countries of the world. Genealogy is the study of the origin of households is not simply the count of members of a family, but a whole which involves the search social history of peoples in its various aspects, this way, it falls in our view,as a specialty of Social Sciences.
Our line of research in the field of Genealogy is based on the triad, Iberian Peninsula, Africa and South America in particular Brazil, where the effects this triad tend to converge due to historical facts that involve these crops, in its various aspects, since the oppression of man on man until the colonization.
In Brazil we have great genealogistas and serious institutions to deal with this "Science", with a great difference that is, the variety of peoples and cultures, which in several moments if interlaced generating good part of the Brazilian population and that Europeans know very through the biotypes and cultural influence reflected in language, cuisine, musicality, religion among others. Sometimes interlacing is denied with subtle tricks, but this our page is available for this tool of the internet, is not to enter the aspects of deep and obscure racial issues in Brazil and yes, generate contact information about the stories of the family mentioned with any relatives in all parts of the world.
The Origin of the Name
The name Rodriguez originated in Spain and it is spread by Iberian Peninsula; it is a patronymic from one tribe Visigodos Germanic established in Spain. Its graphics originated from the name HRODRIC, dismembering the name we have the words HROD which means good reputation,renowned,fame and RIC means power and in the case of the main onomastics used in Spain,is accompanied by the suffix EZ and Portugal ES ,which means children.The name was very used in the Iberian Peninsula by jews Sefaditas is common to see in the majority of the lists of Jews from persecution by the Inquisition.
Old families with the Rodríguez last name exist in Marocco,Tunisia,Guiné Bissau,Cape Vert,Benin and Nigéria,originary of diverse hstorical events as the Expulsion of Moorish and Jews of the Iberian Peninsula and also of the domain of Portugal and Spain in the region.
Some Rodríguez Jews Processed and Expelled of Sevilla 1647-1660
El Processo de Fé  Sancta inquisitión-Victoria González de Caldas
Alonso Rodríguez / Ana Rodríguez/ Antônia Rodríguez / Antônio Rodríguez / Diego Rodríguez / Domingo Rodríguez / Don Miguel Rodríguez / Dona Beatriz Rodríguez/ Dona Leonor Rodríguez de Amezquita / Duarte Rodríguez Diaz / Enrique Rodríguez/ Francisco Rodríguez / Gaspar Rodríguez Passarinho / Isabel Rodríguez / José Manuel Rodríguez Ferro / José Rodríguez/ Lope Rodríguez Pereira / Manuel Rodríguez Ferro/ Maria Rodríguez (Portuguesa) / Melchor Rodríguez Vela (Português) / Pedro Rodríguez Galeno / Rodríguez Francia / Salvador Rodríguez Becerra / Simón Rodríguez Ángel (Cadiz) / Simon Rodríguez Gomez.

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